Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Different Kind of New Year

Christmas is such a wonderful time for our family.  We have our traditions and things that make special memories each year.  This year, for the first time in two years, there was nothing concerning cancer in our midst.  We always tell the story of Jesus' birth and talk as a family about what it must have been like for Mary, Joseph and Jesus that first Christmas; how Jesus' birth changed the world.  This year, it was extra close to my heart.  The Lord has changed me so much through cancer and these last two years, that my mind and heart were in a different place this year.  Instead of being so focused on buying gifts and making sure everything was carried out perfectly, I focused on other people and on what Christmas is really about.  I spent time reflecting on this past year and all the ways God showed us His presence. 

Just as a funny side story, my son, Jonah, who is 7, yelled one day for me to come quickly to see this commercial because there was something else he wanted to add to his list.  After watching the commercial, I thought it would be a good learning moment for me to expand on the true meaning of Christmas.  So, I told Jonah that when Jesus was born there were three gifts given to Him - gold, frankincense and myrrh.  He asked me some questions about this and I walked away very pleased that he seemed so interested and that he understood it so well.  A little while later, I overheard him talking to Max, his older brother of 13 (he didn't know I could hear).  He said, "Max, don't go adding anything to your Christmas list because Mom was talking to me today about how Jesus only got three presents.  Now, I don't think she's going to tell Santa about this, but just in case, leave your list like it is and don't add anything to it.  I mean, if Jesus only got three, what does that mean for us?"  Well, I got a really good laugh and didn't feel quite so proud of my learning moment anymore.  :)  But it's moments like these that are so priceless...memories that can't be taken away. 

I am so thankful that our music minister listened to the Lord asking us as a choir to go and sing for the homeless and for those in prison.  This music might have been the only Christmas some of these people had.  I was not able to go to the prison, but I did go downtown to the Rescue Mission.  As we stood and sang songs about our Lord and His birth, I began to look around the room.  I listened as these men coughed and were sick from being out in the cold.  I saw how many of them fell asleep because they were able to sit down for a few moments in the warmth and safety of a building.  I watched as some would sing along with us and worship and praise the Lord.  My eyes saw things in a whole new way and I began to pray for these individuals.  After it was over we began to talk with some of them and I found that they were no different than me...they were children that God had created and He loved them.  They were eager to share and talk and it opened my eyes to God's grace.  I was very humbled by their spirits and their circumstances.  It made me realize that Jesus was born in a manger for a reason.  He wasn't born on a throne or in royal, high places.  If that had happened, would we all feel like His grace and salvation were attainable?  Instead He was born in a barn in a manger, the lowliest of lows so that all would know and understand that He came for us all.  He was born in order to die for all of us, and even though that's something I've always known, I saw it with fresh eyes this Christmas.

The New Year brings with it a fresh start and a new beginning - a way for us to start with a clean slate and make resolutions to make changes for the better.  I am thankful that the Bible tells us, though, that it doesn't have to be January 1st for us to have a new start because God's mercies are new every, single morning.  My husband, Alan, suggested that we find a verse or chapter in the Bible to begin our new year and pray upon our family.  We chose Psalm 128.  It says this:  "Blessed is every one who fears the Lord, Who walks in His ways.  When you eat the labor of your hands, you SHALL be happy, and it SHALL be well with you.  Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine in the very heart of your house, Your children like olive plants all around your table.  Behold, thus shall the man be blessed who fears the Lord.  The Lord bless you out of Zion, and may you see the good of Jerusalem all the days of your life.  Yes, may you see your children's children.  Peace be upon Israel!".  (NKJV)  This verse spoke to us saying that we want to be more like Jesus and walk in His ways.  We are thankful for the job Alan has and that his health helps him labor.  We are thankful and I pray to be the heart of the house and that our children will be happy and healthy.  We felt this Psalm spoke of everyone in our home.  We pray these things for each of you. 

As I sat today with the Lord looking back over last year and looking forward to next year, the Lord gave me this poem.  Sometimes it's easy to look back and see all the hard times and not see the good, and it's also been easy for me the last couple of years to look upon the new year with an "oh no, here we go" kind of attitude.  But the Lord changed that for me and spoke to me about that because no matter what we face, He's always there.  He's always giving us blessings, I just want to be sure I've got my eyes open this year to see them.  I don't want to miss even one!  I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and I pray blessings on each of you for the new year. 

Twas the beginning of the New Year and all through my home,
Everyone was busy, as I sat all alone.
I listened to the sounds as around me I heard,
Laughter and giggles and sweet, funny words.

It occurred to me then that I had not talked yet with God,
I’d been wanting to share with Him some things on my heart.
I started by reliving some things from last year,
But as my anxiousness moved in, I heard Him say I am here.

Peace covered me like a blanket, I felt His presence no doubt,
And that allowed me to be honest, to be real and to cry out.
I cried, Lord, what a year full of hurdles and pain,
But He said, can you tell Me, what did you gain?

I sat there a moment, not sure what to say,
So He told me to tell Him about my worst day.
My mind started racing, trying to remember the worst,
But I couldn’t seem to find it because the good things came first.
Oh, I remembered the day cancer came through my door,
But with it came an abundance of blessings to my world.
I remember feeling alone, overwhelmed and scared,
But that wasn’t the worst day because an angel was there.

God showed me a glimpse of an angel one day,
And in the midst of this cancer I was no longer afraid.
See, I began to see His hand and His glory all around,
From the moment I woke up until the sun went down.
I remembered the time at the doctor one day,
I was at my lowest point, and hope seemed far away.
A very sick man came in through those doors,
But what I noticed the most was his love for the Lord.

See, he told the whole room what battles he raged,
But in that same breath he gave God glory and praise.
He never saw me that day, but his impact was big,
He was put in my path and he was definitely hand-picked.

God knew I needed something right then and right there,
So He sent me an angel who entertained unaware.
So, again, in my mind this day was not bad,
Because God had someone meet me on my long, winding path.

I continued to try and find the worst day of last year,
And felt for sure it was the surgery, the fourth in a year.
I tried to remember the fear and the pain,
But all I could see was what I had gained.

I got a glimpse of Heaven during that last surgery I was in,
I saw my baby girl that I lost and lives with Him.
Words cannot describe the beauty and depth of what was seen,
God turned something scary into something beautiful just for me.
As I sat and remembered these things of the past,
I began to understand just what God had asked.
In the midst of all my troubles, of all my pain and my hurt,
God was trying to show me just how He works.

He takes us through trials, through good times and bad,
But only to show us the blessings we have.
He’s taken me to mountaintops and valleys below,
But never have I been anywhere that He didn’t go.

He’s walked with me and carried me and shown me the way,
And taught me there are blessings in every single day.
So I smiled and I thanked Him for making me see,
That He’s there in the middle of each day with me.

Yes, I thanked Him, ‘cause I knew just what He’d done,
Had he made me unravel last year just for fun?
No, instead He’d shown me what I had already found,
He’s in charge… there’s a plan… and blessings always abound!

He's Making Something New

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Isaiah 43:18 I wonder how hard it is for God to sit in Heaven on His throne and watch Hi...