Saturday, January 6, 2024

He's Making Something New

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.

Isaiah 43:18

I wonder how hard it is for God to sit in Heaven on His throne and watch His children go through hard things? I know it's necessary to face hard things because it helps us build up our faith. Still. HE is our Heavenly Father, and He created us, so I bet it's hard. He knows how we're going to respond and how much this hardship is going to change us, but He still has to watch us go through it. The verse above tells us to forget the former things and not dwell in the past. The verse after this one, Isaiah 43:19 says, "See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland". I think He's telling us to keep moving forward, to keep our eyes on Him because He's doing something new for us. He asks us if we perceive it? Do we recognize what He's doing? Do we recognize Him at all? Do we sense His presence? The verse says He's making a way in the wilderness; so we're not out there somewhere lost, without direction, without Him. He's there, making a way. It also says He's making streams in the wastelands. He's there, too, in the impossible - making streams in a place where we see waste. Nothing is lost on God. Nothing is a coincidence. His plan is going to happen and take place because nothing can thwart that plan. He is sovereign and Holy and Lord over all. Still. It's hard. For me. For you. For Him.

I say all of this to bring us to this point because this is something that's been on my heart for years, and I feel like I need to share it. It's just so hard to write. So hard to explain. So hard to understand. But, maybe it will help someone else. Maybe it will help you. See, this is about my mother. I've been so blessed to have her. She's a wonderful person, so full of love and grace, and she loves big and she loves hard. She's that person that everyone is drawn to - the one that you just know you can share things with her, and she'll listen and she'll pray. Let me tell you, if she tells you she's going to pray for you, be confident that she means it. Your name is probably written down in a prayer journal that she prays over every day. Every time she and my dad go on vacation, they literally bring home a new phone number of a new family that they've adopted. That's who they are. But you see, her mother and sisters, my grandmother and aunts, have nothing to do with her or us. This roller-coaster ride of a relationship with them has been up and down for more years than I can count. I don't understand it, either. Now, don't misunderstand me, we are not perfect, none of us. But neither are we deserving of being cast away. But she's been cast out of her family, and for years she's tried to put it back together. It just doesn't work. You may be asking why? Well, we've asked the same thing and gotten no answer. There are many, many examples, but far too many to write. But that's not why I'm here today. I'm here today because my grandmother has died. She lived to 97 years old and passed away on December 31st, and there was no reconciliation. I want to talk about Momma.

Momma knew she might one day be in this spot, not knowing what to do, not knowing which road to take, not knowing which direction to go in. She had an opportunity several years ago to have a talk with her mother, and she was able to tell her she loved her. My grandmother met her in that place that day and said some healing things for Momma. However, nothing more came from that. She went on about her life and never reached back out to Momma. So is that closure? I don't know. I guess it may be different for everyone. I think of the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verses 1-8. I won't type all of the verses, only parts, but it says, "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven; a time to be born, and a time to die....a time to heal....a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance...a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing...". There's so much to unpack in these verses. God has given us a time for everything from laughing and dancing to mourning and weeping.  A time for breaking down and a time to heal. A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing. I had to think on that last one for a minute. Maybe He's telling us here that we love, and we embrace and we hold on until He tells us to let go. Let go and Let God. God is in the details! He's in every part of our lives. In all the emotion of the last several days, Momma has had to dig deep and figure out whether to even go to the funeral. Yes, the treatment she's received has been that bad. But, she feels in her heart that she needs to go. And you know what the best part is? God will go with her. Isn't that what He promised? In Hebrews 12:1 it says, "...let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles; and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." So she'll go and run this race. She'll face this hardship. She'll have to throw off everything that hinders and let God move, and she'll run the race set before her. How? With God. Why? Because as He says in Isaiah 43:19, "See, I am doing a new thing!" God is moving within her. He is strengthening her faith. She and my dad will not be alone there because He'll be right there beside them. Deuteronomy 31:8-9 says, "The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." He's already there waiting on her.

Coming from my point of view, it's very difficult to have watched your mother hurt and be entangled in this toxic relationship without any explanation as to why. It would be fixable if there were an answer as to why. Why this treatment? What have I done? An answer to those questions could begin the healing process. But no answers have been given. I lost my grandmother and two aunts long ago. I've grieved them just as Momma has. Does it make today easier? I have to say, for me, a little bit. I lost her long ago. As for my aunts, I still have much to learn about how to move on and grieve for someone who's still alive. I have much to learn about how to continue to pray for someone who has brought such heartache to you and your family. But it all goes back to God's word. He's making something new. He's moving us and growing us and building up our faith. I must admit that in the past when I've tried to write about this, my words have been so full of anger. I distinctly remember one time having an entire blog written about this and right before I hit the button to publish it, it disappeared. I knew that was God. He removed it. Whenever I write, I can usually start to feel Him moving in my heart a few days before I actually sit down to write. Then when I feel ready, I sit down and pray that He speaks through me, that my words will be His words. Today, I am not writing out of anger. I am hurting because Momma is hurting. But I am writing to tell you that if you ever find yourself in this same situation, God is there with you. Seek Him and you will find Him. He may be trying to move you to a different place. He may be trying to strengthen your faith. He may be trying to make you solely dependent upon Him. He may be trying to do something right now in my life or Momma's life or your life that we can't even fathom. But I do know this - whatever it is, it's for our good and His glory. Jeremiah 29:11 says, "I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." We must always remember that God will work in our lives as much and as big as we'll let Him. He's a gentleman. He's kind. He will never push. But He will move us and push us if we let Him. We can pray all the time for someone to have a heart change, but unless THEY are willing to let God move inside them, it will not happen. So if you've prayed God will change someone in your life and it hasn't happened, please don't blame God. He heard your prayers. He may have tried to answer your prayers and change them. But they might not have let Him.

So, forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. I can't imagine our God, our Lord and Savior, sitting on His throne watching one of His children go through something hard. I wonder if He cries. I bet He does. I know He holds us in His arms. I know He collects our tears and comforts us. He's in every detail of our lives. So for Momma and for you, hang on to His hand and He will lead you, and be prepared for what He has in store for you because I have a feeling it's gonna be great. Faith moves mountains, and when He builds our faith, and we let Him, I believe He smiles. He loves us that much. He loves you, too, if you're facing this today. He loves you, too, Momma, and so do I.

I love you all,


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

I Stand in Awe

He is your praise and He is your God, who has done these great and awesome things for you which your eyes have seen. Deuteronomy 10:21

Sometimes we get surprised by the presence of God. We know He's always there, always with us, that He never leaves us; but sometimes we encounter Him in a way that takes our breath away. We're surprised. We're speechless. We're left knowing that we've just had a personal, one on one encounter with the Almighty. This happened to me today, and I had to share it.

This year has been a little challenging. I had pneumonia in February that lasted for three months, only to find out that it was actually covid pneumonia. I was sick. Thankfully, I recovered and, like we always seem to do, went back to daily life not thinking much about it. Don't get me wrong. I was in prayer and I was so grateful to God when I got better. I just didn't spend a lot of time thinking about where I had been, and I didn't go down the "what if" road. So I moved on. Then in September, I got covid again. I was given an antiviral medicine in hopes that it wouldn't lead to pneumonia again. It didn't lead to pneumonia, but the medicine can cause rebound covid, and I got it again right away. It wasn't as bad as before, but shortly afterwards, I noticed a place on my lower left leg. It looked like a bruise, but it was very painful and tender to the touch. Now, what's interesting about this is that I had a similar place come up on my other leg earlier this year, but I didn't pay much attention to it, and it eventually healed on its own. This time, though, it seemed different. It was red, swollen, and painful, so i called the doctor. In short, I had two blood clots in my left leg. So now I am in the middle of trying to get a blood thinner within range so these clots will dissolve. This, too, has been challenging, with shots in my stomach, medication, and a team of doctors helping me get rid of these clots. This brings me to today.

This team of doctors includes the oncologist I had when I was going through breast cancer. She is also a hematologist, and I had an appointment with her today. I love their office. They remembered me, and they are so welcoming and loving. It felt like a reunion today. Until I was led into the exam room and left alone. The nurse closed the door, and I burst into tears. I did not see this coming. My first thoughts were, ok, get it together before the doctor gets in here. With tears streaming down my face, I was so concerned that she was going to walk in and wonder what in the world was wrong with me, that I almost missed it. You see, it was almost as if I could feel a set of hands on my shoulders, calming me, telling me to take a minute and breathe, telling me to relax. It was Jesus. He was there in that room with me today. Like I said earlier, I know He never leaves me. I know He's always there. But today, it was as if He were a tangible being sitting next to me. The last time I was in that room I had cancer. The last time I was in that room I was so engulfed in surviving that I didn't look to tomorrow because I had to get through today. But Jesus. In His calm, reassuring, patient presence allowed me to feel so many things at once today. Yes, my whole being went back in time to where I was then, in the throes of cancer and treatment and fear, but also a whole lot of blessing that God allowed me to see and feel and experience. But then, peace. Psalm 29:11 says, "The Lord gives strength to His people, and the Lord blesses His people with peace". I felt it right then and there. I knew He was telling me He still had me in the palm of His hand. He gently reminded me of where I had been, but He also reminded me of where I am now. I stand in awe of Him. I stand in amazement that we serve a God that will show up in a small doctor's office when you least expect it to show you His grace, His love, His peace, His sheer bigness. 

All through the Bible we see God's character. We see Him work in so many ways. But today, He took time to meet me at the doctor's office because, you see, He knew I would look back. He knew I would feel all the cancer things all over again. Even though I was just bopping through my day going to what I thought was another doctor's visit, He was already there, in that room, in that place waiting. Waiting for me. Because He knew. He knew I would need Him. He knew I would cry. He had my bottle of tears ready to collect a few more. But He also knew that I would feel Him and acknowledge His presence. As much as I try to always be grateful and thankful for that whole journey and the fact that He brought me out on the other side, I never feel as if I praise Him enough. So today, I praise Him. I give Him all glory and honor and praise. I give Him my thanks for healing me. I thank Him for meeting me there today to remind me that He's there. He's there in the details, waiting - waiting on me to see Him - waiting on me to know He's big and mighty and strong, but also that He's gentle and loving. I thank Him for today. I got home today, and in the sky was a cross. Oh, most would say it was just an airplane that had put it there. But to me, in my eyes, it was Him. I love Him. I praise Him. And my eyes will be open just a little bit more today because of who He is. He's God. He's Almighty. He's wonderful, and He loves us more than we can ever imagine.

I love you all.

Friday, February 25, 2022

God Died Anyway

For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Someone told me yesterday that they were too far gone for God. Of course, I told him that wasn't true, but I've been thinking about it ever since. Isn't that how Satan works? He takes our faults and our negatives and our weakest points and tells us we're so bad that God doesn't love us. He'll tell us that we're too far gone - that there's no way to get past what we do or what we've done for God to love us. How could God love me? After all, look at me. I want to be honest and vulnerable about myself for a minute because I think there's a lot of people that feel this same way. You might not deal with the exact thing I'm going to talk about, but you deal with something that makes you not feel the way God intends for us to feel about ourselves. He intends for us to feel loved and adored and cherished and beautiful. He intends for us to feel worthy enough that He died for us. We don't though. But let me tell you, there's nothing we could ever do that would be worthy of Him dying for us. But He died anyway. For you. For me. And you know what? He already knew what our failures and our hardships and our weaknesses were going to be when He died. He died anyway. He knew the roads we would take, the life we would have, the mistakes we would make, the victories we would win. He died anyway. Because, the bottom line is, there was nothing we could do worthy of Heaven, but in His eyes we were, and still are, precious in His sight. And He died anyway.

Because my friend thinks he's too far gone, I got to thinking about myself. See, he deals with something in his life that makes him feel unworthy. He doesn't feel precious and kind and like a beautiful soul. But I will tell you that he is all of those things, even if he can't see it. I deal with something in my life that's different than him, but it still makes me feel, at times, that I'm not beautiful or precious or worthy. They may be different things, but the end result is the same. We both look at ourselves in the mirror that tells us that this part of our life is ugly. We hear the same enemy telling us all the same lies. The Bible says in John 10:10, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy." And that's what Satan does. He comes to steal our joy, kill our spirit and destroy our hope for a better tomorrow, or, better yet, to destroy our lives by telling us we're too far gone for Heaven. But do you know what the rest of that verse says? It says, "I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." That's Jesus talking. HE came to give us life AND to give it to us abundantly.

The issue I deal with is my weight. I have struggled for so long. I used to think that I had struggled with it my whole life, but now I'm not so sure that's true. I look back over my life and realize that I didn't have a weight problem at times when I thought I did. But I've spent so much time worrying about this issue and judging myself so harshly, that it feels like I've had a lifetime of it. I let this issue so define me that it takes over how I live. I don't swim. I can swim and I love to swim, but I don't do it. I won't put on a bathing suit. I don't like having my picture made. I despise being weighed at the doctor's office. I think two or three or four times about what I wear. There are some places I don't even go. When I meet someone new I automatically think my weight is the first thing they're thinking about me. I had someone a while back try to guess what I ate and how much. But isn't that the stereotypical question that people have? They assume you're overweight because you eat the wrong things or too much of it. I have to remind myself that some people don't know where we've been, how far we've come, or what we've been through. Just like my friend I mentioned earlier - he's had a hard life. He's faced a lot of battles in his lifetime and he handles it the best way he can. I've been through seizures, cancer, three miscarriages, medicines that cause major changes in your body, and I, too, have dealt with it the best way I can. Sometimes people can't see deep enough into the heart of someone to understand them. But God can. And He does. He knows where we've been because He's been there with us. He knows how far we've come because He's walked beside us, maybe even carried us. He knows the battles we've fought and the heartaches we've had because He never leaves us. One of my favorite verses in the Bible is one I carried with me through cancer. It's Joshua 1:9 and it says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." I love this verse. He commands us in this verse. He doesn't ask. He commands. But He says He's with us wherever we go, whether that's on a day when I feel good about what I eat or on a day when I totally go off track. Just like with my friend, God is with him when he's having a good, strong day, or a bad one. 

I've recently committed to God to help me lose five pounds a month until I reach my goal. My oldest son is getting married in 15 months. If I can do five pounds a month, I'll be down 75 pounds and very close to my goal. I think that's doable. I know four things. One, I cannot do this by myself. God will have to help me and I know He will. He just told me in His word that He will be with me wherever I go. Even in this. Most especially in this because He loves me. Two, this will happen in His time and in His way because I have surrendered it all to Him. Three, I will have days when I struggle and feel like I've failed. But God doesn't fail. He will be right there every single time. I just have to get back up and keep trying. Four, it is important to me, and this makes it important to Him. Why? Because He died anyway. 1 Samuel 16:7 says, "For the Lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." And this - this is the most important thing. This is what I wish we all knew every minute of every hour of every day. God sees the heart. I know my heart, and my heart is overflowing with love for Jesus. I love Him more than I love my life. And my friend - God sees his heart, too. He sees the kindness, the strength, the beautiful love he has for others. And this, my friends, is the beauty of God. He sees us as no one else does. He sees our hopes and our dreams and our wishes and the ways we serve Him and worship Him and love Him. This is a beauty that will never be found in a number on the scale or a size in a pair of jeans. This is a beauty that will shine far more beautifully than our outward appearance. And that's what I see in my friend, because I see his heart. 

It's a hard thing to adapt to in today's world. With all the world's standards of what's pretty and what's not, what's skinny and what's not, what makes a person beautiful and what doesn't, it's no wonder we get lost in the lies the enemy throws at us. It's in our face all day every day. But I've chosen to work on looking at myself differently, and I pray my friend does, too. I'm choosing to hear God when He says in Solomon 4:7, "You are altogether beautiful, my love; there is no flaw in you." God doesn't see what I see, and I am so thankful. Because God thinks I'm beautiful, even when I don't. He knew I would face this in my life and have to come to terms with how He created me. He knew I would struggle. He knew some days I would listen to the voice of the enemy tell me lies and believe every single lie he spews at me. He knew I would try and fail, and try and fail, and try and fail. But he died anyway. For me and for you. He also knew that I would never truly fail as long as I didn't quit trying, as long as I kept striving to be more like Him. And I so want to be more like Him, with every part of my being. Pray for me as I walk this journey, and I'll pray for you. And I'll take this one day at a time, and I'll walk this road with Him by my side. And I'll try to be a little kinder to myself when I look in the mirror. I'll try to see what He sees. And my friend, well, this one is for you, too, because I see a little bit of what God sees in you, and it is altogether beautiful, my love. Believe it for yourself. Even in the midst of the struggles and the ups and downs, believe it for yourself. After all, God died anyway. 

I love you all,


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Dry Bones

 The Spirit of God has made me, 
And the breath of the Almighty gives me life.
Job 33:4

Every breath we take is a gift. Each inhale. Each exhale. It's easy sometimes to take those breaths for granted. I think that's because they come without us even thinking about them. They are automatic. We need each breath that we breathe to have life on this earth. But what about a different kind of breath? The kind that gets our hearts pumping and puts excitement in our bones. The kind that makes us want to shout about the glory of God and dance in the streets like David. The kind that makes us want to be different from the world - to be set apart because we have something that people see but can't quite put their finger on. That kind of breath can only be given by the power of the Holy Spirit. It can only be breathed into us by the breath of the Almighty. It's glorious. It's exciting. It brings us joy even when we feel sadness. It brings comfort even when we feel scared. If you're a believer in Christ, the very breath of God is in you.

Several weeks ago in Sunday School, we were studying the book of Ezekiel. I've read about this before, but this lesson took me deeper into God's word and it had a profound effect on me. You see, Ezekiel was a prophet and God's hand was upon him. God gave Ezekiel a vision. The Bible tells us in Ezekiel 37:1-2, "The hand of the Lord was on me, and He brought me out by His Spirit and set me down in the middle of the valley; it was full of bones. He led me all around them. There were a great many of them on the surface of the valley and they were very dry." God led Ezekiel through this valley. He gave him a tour so he could see all of these bones. When the scripture says "they were very dry", I learned that this signified the utter hopelessness of life coming back into these bones. No sign of life existed. 

Through my cancer journey, I learned a lot about being in a valley. It's usually your lowest point. Many times you find yourself alone in the valley. But I also learned that in the valley, God is always with us. I also learned that there is such beauty in these valleys we walk through. It may not seem like it at the time, but there is much to see and learn, and it's almost always a magnificent sight. So you may be wondering how there could be beauty in this valley that Ezekiel has been put in. Just wait. You'll see. 

God spoke to Ezekiel and told him to speak to the dry bones. Ezekiel 37:5-6 says, "This is what the Lord GOD says to these bones: I will cause breath to enter you, and you will live. I will put tendons on you, make flesh grow on you, and cover you with skin. I will put breath in you so that you come to life. Then you will know I am the Lord." I don't know about Ezekiel, but if I'm standing there in the middle of a valley of dry bones and the Lord God tells me He's about to put tendons and flesh on them and give them life, I'm gonna be a little scared. But that's exactly what God did. All of the bones that were scattered across that valley were put together as skeletons. God put the tendons on, joined the muscles, and put the skin over the bones - all while Ezekiel watched it. Wow! What a sight that must have been. The Bible tells us that the rattling sound of these bones coming together shook the earth so hard it was as if there were an earthquake! However, even though God put these bodies back together, they still had no life - they had no breath in them. 

God then commanded Ezekiel to prophesy to the breath, and that the Lord God says breathe into these slain so that they may live! Verse 10 of Ezekiel 37 says, "So I prophesied as He commanded me; the breath entered them, and they came to life and stood on their feet, a vast army." Let's just imagine for a moment all that Ezekiel has witnessed. He went from being in a quiet valley full of dry bones, to being in a valley full of people standing before him. Only God could do this. 

You may be wondering where I'm headed with this, but I had to give you the visual of what happened. It was so significant to me. This vision God gave Ezekiel shows us that we are dead if we don't have Jesus as our Savior. It shows us the power of the Holy Spirit. Oh, we're human and we're walking around, living our lives from day to day, but we are not experiencing the richness of all God has to offer. The Holy Spirit brings new life to us when we accept God's salvation. The Holy Spirit is the joy in our sadness, the comfort in our fear, the truth to our doubts. The Holy Spirit is the dance in our step and the music to our songs. We live here on earth because God gave us life. But we live in abundance here on earth and then for eternity if we accept Jesus as our Lord. He gives us life and His Spirit enables us to breathe and be alive in a way we could never imagine. God gave Ezekiel this vision to show us that the gospel is about making dead people alive. We are dead in Christ until we accept Him. Then we are given this beautiful gift of the Holy Spirit. This Spirit is what moves us. It's what makes our hearts overflow at the sight of a sunset, or the vastness of the ocean, or simply the fullness of being in His presence. The Spirit is a light that shines in us that makes us look different. He didn't have to give us this gift of His Spirit. He could have given us only the gift of His salvation. And that would have been enough. But He went further and gave us this mighty, powerful gift of His Spirit. He woke us up and gave us a gift worth shouting about. He died on the cross to save our souls from Hell. But then He breathed into us His Spirit to live this life here, right now, in a way that glorifies Him - in a way where we can be so filled with His Spirit that we are overflowing. What a gift!

If you don't know the Lord as your Savior, please consider Him. He's waiting for you. He's waiting to breathe life into you like you've never known. Don't live this one life you have here on earth as dry bones. Let God breathe into you His Spirit so you can experience life abundantly here and then forevermore in Heaven. I'm so thankful to God for His Holy Spirit, for breathing life into these dry bones of mine, for raising me up to live in a way that is not possible without Him. I'm thankful that the very breath of the Almighty gives me life.

I love you all,

Friday, January 21, 2022

There's Just Something About That Name

 ".....and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, 
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace". 
Isaiah 9:6

I'd love to tell you about my Jesus. Just a glimpse of His power and His love. How He showed up for me the other day in such a simple, powerful way.

The other morning in the shower, I found myself humming. It's not unusual that I hum or sing in the shower. There are many times that I have full out worship with the Lord in the shower. It's a place where I'm alone, no one can hear me except for Him, and I have had some really great conversations with Him there. This particular morning, though, I wasn't paying much attention, just trying to get done and get my day started. So I was just absently humming along when I realized that I was humming the chorus "There's Just Something About that Name", (written by Gloria Gaither). Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there's just something about that name. That's how it starts. It made me smile. Just saying His name made me smile. I was completely filled with the Holy Spirit. I felt His presence. To sing that first line, I felt so humbled because I felt as if I was welcoming Him into my day. This particular morning I was so keenly aware of His name and all that it meant. He died for me even though I didn't deserve it. He loves me unconditionally even though I fail every single day. I just sang that first line over and over and over and as the warm water rushed over me, so did His presence. I lost all awareness of anything else. I often times pray in the shower for the same reasons I sing - I'm alone, and no one else can hear me. And I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel like my prayers are repetitive. But on this day, it was just me and Jesus. All I did was sing this song. I felt close to Him, surrounded by Him, truly in the presence of Him, all by simply calling on His name.

Master, Savior, Jesus, like the fragrance after the rain is the next line. I thought about that, about how that fragrance after a rain is so different and distinct. It's fresh and it makes us want to breathe it in. That's what Jesus does - He makes all things fresh and new. The Bible says in Lamentations 3:22-23, "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." I thank Jesus that He finds a way to give mercy and grace. I know His heart breaks when I make the same mistakes or disappoint Him, yet He never seems to tire of giving new mercy each and every morning. Just as He makes the sun rise every morning, His mercy is new.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, let all Heaven and earth proclaim, Kings and Kingdoms will all pass away, but there's just something about that name is the last part of this chorus. This is so powerful to me. It says in 1 Chronicles 29:11, "Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, for all that is in the heavens and in the earth is yours. Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head above all." Everything is the Lord's. I think that's what humbled me so much was the thought that everything I have is the Lord's. It's all His, but He gave these things, these blessings, this life to me. Even in hard times and trying times and times of uncertainty, He's there giving grace and mercy and blessings. Even when we lose our way or stumble and fall, He's there to pick us up. Sometimes He has to carry us, but He's there. We must proclaim it. He's given us a voice to tell others about Him, to share what He does for us, to share His goodness and most importantly His salvation. Kings and kingdoms will all pass away, but Jesus lives forever! Hallelujah! Philippians 2:10-11 says, "that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in Heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." So at the end of this life, everything passes away and is gone, but those of us that know Jesus as our personal Savior, it's just the beginning! I don't think we can truly fathom eternity, that there's no end, ever. That we will be surrounded with the love of Jesus in a place so beautiful we can't imagine, full of light and love and praise and happiness with never an end is hard to grasp. But oh how wonderful it will be. 

There's power in the name of Jesus. There's hope and love and protection and freedom and so many other things in the name of Jesus. All we have to do is whisper His name. That's what I did on this morning in the shower. I was humming His name and He met me where I was. I worshiped Him just by singing His name and my day started off with a smile. Nothing else mattered. He was by my side in an instant. I hope you know Him as your Savior. If you don't, reach out. I'll help you find Him. He's not far away and He's waiting. 

Thank you for letting me tell you a little bit about my Jesus. Without Him I would be lost, but with Him I am free and I am blessed and I am grateful. There's just something about Him. There's just something about His name.

I love you all, 

Friday, June 11, 2021

The SON Shines!

 From the rising of the sun to its setting, 
the name of the Lord is to be praised.  
Psalm 113:3

The sun did not shine this morning. It was dreary and cloudy and foggy and rainy. It's funny how the weather sometimes matches our mood. I wasn't in a bad mood, but I was feeling a little anxious. You see, earlier this week, I had an appointment to get my yearly mammogram. For those of you that don't know, I was diagnosed with breast cancer nine years ago, ten years this November. So, going in for a mammogram is always a little stressful. Doctors say that the ten year mark is a very big deal, but in all honesty, on Wednesday I was just going about my day thinking I would be in and out of the office, no trouble - just something that had to be done. After all, I was almost to the ten year mark. I was fine. Let's get this over with and go have lunch! That pretty much sums up my thinking and my attitude on Wednesday, with just the slightest hint of anxiety.

My appointment on Wednesday was late in the day - the last patient. Normally, I don't do this because if other tests need to be done, I like to have enough time to do them. But I took this appointment because it was the soonest one they had. I get my mammogram done and the girl told me I would hear from my doctor. Usually, I wait around for the radiologist to read it so I know the results before I leave. They didn't want me to do that. I know they were trying to get out of there and go home, but I insisted they let me stay until the films were read. I wish I hadn't. The girl came out and told me they saw something that needed more attention and I would need more tests. They couldn't do them that afternoon, nor the next day. They had Friday morning - today - which meant I had to wait the rest of Wednesday and all day and night Thursday. The waiting truly is the worst part. The not knowing. But I fumbled through those two days and did pretty good. I hadn't felt anything abnormal, and I found the first lump, so I kept telling myself this over and over. 

I will tell you that I do not believe in coincidences. I call them Godincidences because He is involved in every detail of our lives, no matter how big or small. Luke 12:6-7 says, "Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows." So it is no coincidence that we are studying the book of Job in Sunday School at church. It's a Godincidence. I've studied the beginning of this book for the last two days, going deep into the word trying to understand the depths of Job's loss and his despair. He lost everything, including his ten children. He was sick and covered in boils from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet. But the lesson this week centered on hope - having hope in the midst of our tragedies and the circumstances that seem to be too much. It is not revealed in whole about why God allowed these things to happen to Job. It remains one of the mysteries of God. Isaiah 55:8-9 tells us, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." So this tells us that God is in control and He has HIs reasons as to why things happen the way they do. But for me, I also believe that Job was used as an example to us - to show us how to withstand the things that come into our lives - to show us to never blame God but always have hope and faith in Him. We must not ever lose our faith. I'll tell you in a minute how this helped me today.

But let me get back to my appointment this morning. A diagnostic mammogram was ordered to look deeper into what they saw on Tuesday. An ultrasound was also ordered, but only if needed. So I get my favorite girl today. She's been with me over the last ten years of this journey, and with my mom before me. She knows us. She knows how we think. She cares. Deeply. She does everything in her power to put our minds at ease at each appointment. She started by saying that she had a hard time seeing what they saw on Tuesday, which is good. She took the pictures, put my mind at ease and I was good. I waited while she took the films to the radiologist, and I honestly did not think an ultrasound would be needed. It was. I kept thinking, "Lord, am I going to go back down this road?" 

The girl came and got me for the ultrasound, and although I was a little anxious, I also know that they are overly cautious, and I love that they are. She's doing the mammogram and then tells me she's going to take some pictures under my arm and then she'll be done. This is where the fear just almost overtook me. I know enough to know that when they do an ultrasound under your arm, they are checking your lymph nodes. They've never done that before, so I had to work really hard to remain as calm as possible. She took the films to the radiologist  and said she'd be right back. Here's what I know about that time she was gone: 

It was 8 minutes - I checked the time at 4 minutes and then 2 and then 2 more. 

There were 9 cabinets in that room.

There were only 2 lights on.

There was a very busy picture on the wall that had only 3 red flowers in it.

There were 3 things in the ceiling that blinked a red light every 3 seconds.

There was a bug trapped in the florescent light above me.

I thought about Job. I thanked God for Job. I thanked Him for giving us that book of the Bible and that although I was so sad for him and what he had to endure, I was so thankful that I had his example of how not to lose faith and hope. You see, for a time Job thought death had the final say. We - those of us that know Jesus as our personal Savior - we know death is the beginning of eternity with our Risen Lord. Hallelujah! 

These thoughts kept me from going down the "what if" road. It kept me sane and it kept my eyes on Jesus. It wasn't easy. I was scared. I thought about how quickly - 8 minutes in this case - our lives can so drastically change. But I did know deep in the depths of my soul that even though things could change in an instant, God was there in that room with me. I knew He was standing by that bed, holding my hand, waiting for me to get the results. 

The place they found was a cluster of fluid filled, benign cysts that is nothing to worry about. I praise God for this news. I thank Him for His mercy and His grace. I will say that had the results been different, I know He would have walked the road with me again. I'm relieved that I don't have to. But I am always, always grateful for these moments. As hard as they are, as scary as they are, I learn so much. My life is in His hands. James 4:14 says, "....You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes." That is how fragile this life is. But I am so thankful that eternity is forever. "There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light, and they will reign for ever and ever." Revelation 22:5

So the sun was not shining this morning. It was dreary and foggy and cloudy and rainy. But for me, 2 Samuel 23:4 came to life. It says, "He dawns on them like the morning light, like the sun shining forth on a cloudless morning, like rain that makes grass to sprout from the earth." God was shining down on me and I give Him all glory and all honor and all praise. But the one thing I learned from Him this week and today, is that He shines on us no matter our circumstances. He loves us that much. So the sun didn't shine this morning, but the SON? He did!

I love you all,


Sunday, February 7, 2021

Be Encouraged

"For the Vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail; though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay."

Habakkuk 2:3

The picture of this cross took my breath away. It looks as if angels have attached their wings upon it. To me, this picture of the cross encompasses not only that Jesus died for us, but it also reminded me of Psalm 91:11-12, "For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up..." (NKJV). It's a powerful, beautiful reminder of our God - what He's capable of, what He does for us, and how much He loves us.

I've tried for weeks to write this blog. Honestly, I sat down to write it on Inauguration day, but the words just wouldn't come. Well, the words came, but they were my words, not God's words. I always try to write when I feel the Lord speaking through me, making sure I'm sharing what He's put on my heart to you and to me. I believe He speaks through me, so I only want to write His words, not mine. But that day and several days after, all the words were my own. I was upset. I was angry. I was heartbroken. I was afraid. But then I heard the Lord say, "For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7 (NKJV). I knew then that the enemy had taken over, so I regrouped. I went to my knees and sought God. He took me first to the verse above in Habakkuk 2:3 "For the Vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal and it will not fail; though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay." After God gave me this verse, I've just been letting it stir in my heart. I've been listening and trying to hear what God is telling me.

I know I may lose some of you at this point because this topic seems political; but I ask that you keep on reading because I believe it's much more than that. It's not political. It's spiritual. It's about what God has called us to do. It's about His word. I believe it is time for us to take a stand, to call good as good and evil for evil - to point out what vehemently goes against His word. God has not called us to be silent. He has not called us to sit back and let the enemy destroy, or get a foothold in our lives and in our churches. He's called us to speak up for Him, for His word.

It's no secret if you know me that I want our President to be President Trump. I believe he is our President, and I believe this election was stolen. I know that sounds crazy because Biden is in office. I've even made sure that I am not following man, because it's important that we never follow man, but that we follow God. But I believe that God chose Donald Trump for such a time as this. I believe God put him in office to do His work and I don't think He's finished with him yet. This doesn't mean that I love everything about him as a person. He has flaws - we all do. He is not perfect - none of us are. I won't list all of the positive things he's done for America. You can look it up. The list is too long to put here. But the Bible tells us we are to judge only by the fruits of the spirit, nothing else. I see a change in him. I see his love of country and his love for Americans, but I now also see a love for Jesus. 

Why am I saying all of this? It does seem like I am going around the world, but this is a hard topic that God has laid on my heart. The things I have seen take place from the Biden administration - the abortion laws allowing us to kill our babies; bringing homosexuality into the forefront and making it seem okay; allowing men to use women's bathrooms; appointing a transgender as Assistant Health Secretary - all of these things go completely and totally against the word of God. We are not supposed to sit by in silence and allow this to happen! Keep praying. Don't give up. The very second we give up or let Satan give us one shred of doubt, he pounces on us. Rebuke him in the name of Jesus! Cry out to God to save our land. Storm the courts of Heaven and pray against these things happening today that go against God's word.

I come to you today with a word of hope and encouragement. God is not done. God never goes back on His promises. His word does not come back to us void. Make no mistake, we are in a spiritual battle unlike we've ever seen. This is not about Republican versus Democrat. This is about good versus evil. We are in a spiritual battle and it's time for us to rise up! Psalm 27:3 says, "Though an army besiege me, My heart will not fear; though war break out against me, even then I will be confident." (NIV) We are confident because "What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" Romans 8:31 (NIV) Be confident in your prayers. Be confident in your hearts. God is not happy when He sees things taking place in our country that goes against His word. He tells us in His word that where two or more are gathered, He will be there with us. There are millions of us praying for our country. 

I will close with this. Deuteronomy 20:9 says, "For the Lord your God is the One who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory". (NIV) He's with us, friends. He's fighting for us. His ways and His thoughts are higher than ours. It may seem bleak right now, but remember all that God has given up for us because of His great love for us. This picture of this cross tells the whole story. And the verse God gave me weeks ago....well, it tells the story, too. The vision is at an appointed time, not a specific date. Though it tarries, wait for it because it will surely come. I love this part. God tells us to seek Him and honor Him in all we do. Keep praying. Keep praising Him. Because as Habakkuk says, in the end it will speak and it will not lie. It will not tarry. Press on. Keep your eyes toward Heaven and rely on God's word. He's not done. It will come in such a way that will give all Glory to Him, and it will be perfect. He loves us just that much.

I love you all, 


He's Making Something New

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Isaiah 43:18 I wonder how hard it is for God to sit in Heaven on His throne and watch Hi...