Sunday, June 2, 2019

Take My Hand, Lord

He existed before anything else,
and he holds all creation together. 
Colossians 1:17

Today my heart is full. It's an ordinary day where nothing extraordinary has happened. But my heart is so full of Jesus. Do you ever have days where you just feel Him beside you? You may be sitting outside enjoying the sunshine and you feel Him there? Or maybe you've curled up with a good book on this Sunday afternoon and you can feel Him laughing at the funny parts with you. Maybe you feel Him sitting with you as you watch your children play. Maybe you just feel a little lighter today and you're not sure why. It's Him. He's there. This is how I feel today. I feel Him with me. Oh, I know He's always with me because He tells us in His word that he never leaves us or forsakes us. But today, I feel like I could reach out and feel His touch.

I've written the last couple of times on worry and anxiety. I shared with you last time about Alan needing extra hours at work and how God provided those for us. Well, He provided them again this weekend, too. Thank you, Jesus. I was talking with someone at church today about how hard it is to stay up, even when God showed up right on time a week ago. How easy it is to slide back down into the worry pit. I ran across this scripture this week. Psalm 34:4 says, "I sought the Lord and he answered me; He delivered me from all my fears." I love this verse! His promise is that if we seek Him, pray to Him, ask for His help, He will deliver us from our fears. Now, we may need to do this often, but I believe the more we do it, the easier it becomes to release those fears. And then we end up with more days like today...sitting...walking...talking...reading, and we feel Him beside us, and we are freer, lighter, happier. Our hearts are full.

I will share with you that for the last few months I have been asking God to show me what He wants me to do, how He wants me to serve. I have such a passion for people, to make sure everyone hears the gospel. I want so desperately for everyone to experience the blessings and the riches that Jesus has to offer each and every one of us. Sometimes I feel like running outside and asking everybody I see if they know Him. I want to make sure no one misses all the beauty He has to offer us here, on earth, as well as for eternity. I have such a passion in my heart for us to communicate and talk about the things that bother us, the fears and the anxieties, the loneliness, the heartache, the broken relationships, the sadness on days when we see no reason to be sad but we are, the joys, the triumphs, the victories, and I could go on and on. But we need to talk about these things. We need to be there for each other. We need to be the person that says, "I'm here and I care about you". Sometimes we see the outward smile, but on the inside someone is hurting or scared or lonely. 

There have been so many ways God has touched my life - too many to put into words here today. But I want to share them all, because if I do, maybe others will want Him to touch them, too. This is how we spread the good news! Psalm 98:4 says, "Shout to the Lord, all the earth; break out in praise and sing for joy!" Yes! Sing for JOY! 

So today, my heart is full. It's up to us to spread His love and His forgiveness and His salvation. In my devotion one day this week, one sentence jumped out at me more than any other. It's from Jesus Calling and it says, "abandon yourself to Me - My hand is the only thing you can grasp without damaging your soul". 

The verse at the top of this blog is wonderful. God was here before anything else existed and He holds all of creation together. He reaches down to take our hand and we're given the gift of being able to feel His presence. "For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you." Isaiah 41:13 

Go ahead and take hold of His hand so your fears can vanish. And while you're grabbing onto Him, give your other hand to someone else. They're waiting on you. 

I love you all,

He's Making Something New

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