Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Wow!!  One year....gone!  What am I talking about?  One year ago today I had a lump removed from my left breast that we thought was benign.  Unfortunately, three days later we found out it was cancer.  I say unfortunately, but looking back on the last year, I'm not sure that's the right word to use.  There are so many things that God has done for me in this last year.  I plan on sharing them with you, but today I want to celebrate with you.  I looked back at my journal from one year ago and I can still feel that same feeling in the pit of my stomach - the feeling of dread and uncertainty and fear and worry and on and on.....  But I also remember a feeling of peace.  The peace of God that surpasses all understanding is what I had.  I knew in that moment He had a plan for me and work for me to do, and I believe that work is sharing Him and who He is.  He's my Savior, my fortress, my light, my shield, my strength, my hope, the Great Physician!  It doesn't matter what type of illness or cancer you're battling, the symptoms and the cure and the treatment may be different, but the feelings and the emotions and fears and the worries are all the same.  I want you to know that one year ago my life was turned upside-down.  I would say it's pretty much still upside-down, with my "normal" now being quite different.  BUT...God turned it upside down and He's shown me things I could've only hoped to see and experience while on this earth.  I've seen Him in all His majesty and glory and beauty.  I look at my family differently because I see how God made them and the gifts given to them in order to endure this journey with me.  I look at the sky and it seems bluer and brighter.  The birds seem louder.  The cold seems crisper.  I have a smile on my face because I can't contain what God has done.  I've seen it snow....for only a moment....for only me.  I've seen the moon in a sunny bright sky shining with a glow that was blinding.  That was God.  Don't misunderstand, I've had many dark days filled with questions and fear and worry.  That's normal.  But the one thing that I held on to that I don't want you to miss if you are going through an illness or have a loved one going through something life-changing is that God is there.  His wings and His arms are open wide waiting for you to step inside so He can lead you and walk this journey with you.  Let Him.  He tells us that He will walk behind us, before us and beside us.  I'm here starting this blog to let you know He means it.

Today I got a good report.  No cancer!  The doctor says I'm doing great!  I praise the Lord for that!  I feel like I have a new beginning, a fresh start.  This is for today.  We don't know what tomorrow holds, but today I am holding on to the steady hands of Jesus.  He's tried to teach me what the Bible says about living one day at a time.  It's hard and I'm not always able to do that.  It's hard not to look down the road and ask the "what if's".  But for today, I'm looking at today. 

Thank you for sharing this celebratory day with me.  I will write and let you get to know me (if you don't already) better and share my story.  I hope through this process you will ALWAYS be able to see God.  He's the reason I'm here.  Without God I would not be able to sit here and share my experience with you.  I know because He has touched my life and blessed me in ways I cannot count.  I want to use what He has done for me to bless and encourage you. 

I have many favorite verses that I cling to.  I want to share one that has gotten me through so many days...Joshua 1:9 says:  "Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."  He was there one year ago when I was diagnosed and He's here today celebrating with me.  So hold on...He's beside you wherever you go!



  1. I am so proud to call you my friend! And I am so happy you are sharing your journey with others. God is definitely using you as a vessel to show His love and grace!
    - Laura

  2. This is beautiful. I am so excited and will be eagerly awaiting each post!!!!! Go Kacey!

  3. I'm SO proud of you, my dear sister! God is Faithful! God is Faithful! Even in the darkest moments, His light shines bright! I love you! Donna

  4. Hi Cameron, I emailed you when you posted this response but I am afraid you might not have gotten it. If you have a question, I would be happy to answer it. Thank you.


He's Making Something New

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. Isaiah 43:18 I wonder how hard it is for God to sit in Heaven on His throne and watch Hi...